Arthur the Seal Astronaut

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Explore the Wonders of the Universe

Join Arthur on a journey through the cosmos as he visits the unique plants, animals, and landscapes of far away worlds. With a creative story and beautiful imagery dreamed up by artificial intelligence, this book will pique the imaginations of children curious about outerspace, and inspire them to pursue the world of science.



Made in
the USA

A Premium Quality Book

Made with a durable glossy hardcover, thick interior pages, and vibrant full color ink.

Inspires Curiosity about the Universe

Get your little one interested in all the exciting things that are out there, just waiting to be discovered.

Written and Illustrated by AI

An imaginative story dreamed up by artificial intelligence, then lovingly perfected by human intelligence.

Be sure it's right for you

We've published the whole book below so you can read through in it's entirety. That way you can be absolutely sure it's the right fit for you and your child. Comes with an inspirational quote at the end to get those little ones bright eyed and bushy tailed.

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